One of the last weekends back in pay we took the kids to both the 3rd Friday in downtown Wyandotte bbq cook off, and to the st. Sebastian festival. They had a great time. Ran into friends from school at the festival. At the BBQ cook off we got to spend time with both sets of grandparents.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Clayden and sunscreen
Within a few days from clayden's surgery he broke out in a horrible rash. We didn't know if the rash was a reaction from his surgery or if it was something else. Turns out he has a allergy to one of the ingredients that they use in sun screen. We have to purchase specific sunscreen for him and make sure not to cross transfer with any other sunscreens that aren't his.
Clayden's surgery
In March clayden had tubes put in his ears and had his adenoids removed. He was pretty angry waking up. He pulled the blood pressure off his arm and tried pulling his IV out multiple times. Within a day or two he was just fine like nothing every happened. All his check ups have been going good and we hope to keep it up. He is such a trooper.
Khloes 4th birthday
A little late, but better than never. I realized that I never did a blog for khloes birthday this past December. Due to khloe being sick we had to push back her party 1 day so she got to have 2 parties. One with the Ford side and one with the Cox side. She got a cookie cake for the one day and she had paw patrol for her second cake.