Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Henry Ford Museum

After talking Khloe into it we were FINALLY able to get the kids out of the house and over to the Henry Ford Museum and the kids had a blast and wanted to play with EVERYTHING

Virginia Beach

Mommy had the weekend off. Her first full weekend off since December so when I got off work on Friday we packed up and all got into the car and headed down to Virginia Beach for the day. The kids had a blast and so did we. It was the perfect escape for just a short time. We got to walk on the beach, eat food we don't get at home, the kids got to play arcade games (I think daddy played more...even hit a jackpot). Sunday we got back in the car and headed back home and made it back just in time for bed.

February pictures

Toilet fishing

Daddy got toilet fishing as a gift for Christmas and both daddy ad the kiddos had a blast playing with it