Thursday, September 24, 2015

Clayden's ouchie

Clayden had a big ouchie last night he fell down around 5 steps at my parents house going to the basement while I was letting the dog out. He got a nice size goose egg on his head and a good size gash on his forehead that required 3 stitches. Once he finally calmed down he was right back to normal climbing on things and pretending to be superman clayden while we were waiting for the doctor to do his stitches at the hospital. I'm just happy that he is okay and he is still just as fearless as ever maybe even more.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Salsa with daddy

Khloe school/learning

Here are a couple things that khloe has done since the school year has started that I wanted to share to show her progress that she has made. She is working hard on her letters every day and enjoys going to school and seeing her teacher and doing all of the different activities that they do from day to day.

Friday, September 4, 2015


New park fun

They city put up a new play scape at the park by house so of course we had to go and check it out. The kids had a blast on it. It is set up for younger kid and even has braille. After our quick trip to the park we came home to take a bath where the kiddos got to wash daddy's hair too.