Friday, February 27, 2015

Mommy and Khloe's movie night

Since daddy had to work late tonight mommy got to have some alone time with the kiddos we all watched spooky buddies, Clifford and a movies/show with a penguin. After Clayden went to bed mommy and Khloe got our movie night going watching treasure buddies with our bowl of pop corn and water (khloe wanted hot chocolate) once we got our movie snack and drinks all set we settled into mommy and daddy's bed to watch the movie in our jammies.

***also on crazy things kids say on our way home today I told her that tomorrow she has Cameron's (her best friend as she says) birthday party tomorrow. She told me no and said that Cameron was going to spend the night and that her and Cameron were going to sleep together and that she needs to sleep with him. This was all in innocence but I couldn't help but laugh and share.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Put - put play date and more

Today we got together with Cameron and his mom at zap zone for some put put glo-golfing. This was Khloe's first time put put golfing which was a 18 hole course, after about 4 holes she said she was done. Khloe did finish out all 18 holes though because Cameron kept golfing. Khloe also got to play some arcade games along with Clayden. Later on, before dinner, Khloe decided to get out her matching game which she was helping Clayden learn how to play. And lastly I caught a cute moment at bed time, Khloe was laying on her floor with her books just looking at them with her flashlight.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Funtastic play date with Cameron

Khloe got to go play with her friend she met at school at funtastic. As we were walking in khloe said "I love Cameron he's my best friend" both khloe and clayden had so much fun playing and climbing on all the stuff that they have. Khloe also said that she was the queen at one point.

Happy Valentines day

On valentine's day eve I caught both kiddos sitting next to each other on the couch watching paw patrol. Valentines day was pretty cold and snowy so we all stayed in our jammies all day long well until khloe made our entire house into a beach party lol. Hope everyone had a great valentine's day with the ones that they love.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Poor Khloe

Today khloe had a accident and some how fell while we were in the bathroom getting ready for bed. She busted open her lip and gums :/ but she was a pretty good trooper about it. Daddy took her to the emergency room (his second visit of the day because of mommy having a migraine) the thought she was going to need stitches on it but luckily enough her lip was okay without having to have stitches

Friday, February 6, 2015

Reading reading and more reading

The kids enjoy looking at books and reading them all the time. Khloe is beginning to repeat parts of the books that she remembers from having stories read to her.

Clayden is getting so big

I can't believe how much Clayden has grown and changed over the last 16 months. Clayden now weighs 24lbs 4oz. Unfortunately he does suffer from allergies which we are hoping to get under control very soon. He is very talkative though we can't always understand what he is saying.


Daddy can no longer vacuum alone lol