Sunday, July 27, 2014

Our week after vacation

This week was sort of a busy week the kids both had doctors appointment Clayden had a helmet fitting and we made it to both nana and papas house and grandma and papas house for dinner this week. We participated in the festivities of telegraph cruise as well. Here are some of the pictures I took this week. Oh and Clayden is taking more and more steps each day :)

Monday, July 21, 2014

Clayden's 9 month check up

Today we took Clayden for his 9 month well visit. He is 18 pounds 10 ounces, 28 3/4 inches and his head circumstances is 47 1/4 centimeters. He now has 6 teeth. Clayden loves playing with his sister and eating lots of foods. He talks more and more each day I'm pretty sure that he has momma down at this point. He's a crawling monster and is always trying to pull himself into a standing position which he is usually pretty successful in doing. He took his first step yesterday.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Other pictures from our trip

Time to head home

Today we left flordia to head home and get back to reality. It was sad to leave but the kids had such a good time. The girls even wore matching outfits today, and pj's last night. When we said our good byes it even sounded like Clayden said bye too :) when we got home before bedtime Clayden pulled himself up on the couch and took 3 steps to get closer to me.

Our trip to the beach

We took the kids to the beach, which was Clayden's first time every being there. The kids enjoyed playing in the ocean and in the sand. We collected seashells. The kids got to see a baby octopus that was hiding in one of the shells we collect along with a good size hermit crab, both were of course sent back into the ocean in their shells. Khloe also drew a picture of daddy at lunch.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Clayden is 9 months

Today Clayden turned 9 months, where has the time gone. He got to go swimming. The girls got to have fun playing with silly string and playing tiki toss with daddy.

Trip to the farm

We were able to take the kids out to Georges farm where the girls fed a horse, donkeys and goats. They got to pet a lion headed rabbit and hold a chicken for the first time. They also got to feed some catfish in the pond. It was such a blast watching the girls take in everything and grow in their knowledge. The girls also were crawling around on the ground to make Clayden not feel left out.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Hanging out

Our last few days have been very laid back we did some shopping and swimming along with relaxing. Khloe got her first tervis cup she chose frozen of course. Here's a picture from our trip to the grocery store

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Our trip to downtown Disney

Today we took a trip to downtown Disney khloe enjoyed running around and seeing all the different toys and mickeys things they had. I think her favorite part was that mommy and daddy got her a Elsa doll. She also enjoyed trading pins with all the Disney staff members so she could get the ones that she liked best :)

Day two of camping

Today we took the kids swimming and for a ride on the monorail and visited a few other hotels and resorts. The kids loved the pool the ride on the monorail. We even went to a splash pad