Today papa stopped by this afternoon and we took a surprise trip to the park across the street khloe and Clayden both had a great time swinging on the swing set and Khloe also enjoyed the play scape going down the slides and running around using up some of her never ending energy. Also as of last night Clayden is officially a crawler.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Downriver cruise weekend
This weekend we enjoyed hanging out kmart parking lot at the downriver cruise for a family fun filled weekend. Khloe and Clayden got to see their great aunt Dee who made a surprise visit from Las Vegas. This weekend we got to hang out with the grandparents, lots of aunts and uncles along with lots of cousins. On Sunday we took time to help cousin Sydney celebrate her graduation from high school. We also got to welcome home aunt Jessica and uncle Dominick
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
playing and pool time
Today we went over to papa and grandma's and spent a good part of our day there. We got there just in time to tell grandma happy birthday before she headed off to bed. Clayden and Khloe got to play together with their toys, played in the pool and Khloe even let mommy do her hair. Khloe got to wake up grandma and tell her happy birthday again. When we got home Clayden took a nap and Khloe helped mommy vacuum the living room.
Monday, June 23, 2014
Cousin time
This weekend nana and papa had the cousins over their house so Clayden and khloe got to spend time playing with them and khloe even spent the night. Uncle nate put up his tent in the back yard, the girls played in the pool and khloe even met them at the park for more train rides
Garage sale
This weekend we did a garage sale with papa and grandma the kids go to have fun playing with bubbles cuddling up with everyone and khloe even went to the park and got to ride on some trains
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Hanging out at papas and grandmas
This week the kids have still been hanging out at papas and grandmas while daddy goes to work. Today Clayden has been feeling much better then yesterday and full of smiles. Khloe and papa tried for a hour to kill a fly that got into the house. Khloe had so much fun and she even got to wake up grandma for dinner which is one of her favorite things to do. Clayden also enjoyed watching a car TV show on with daddy before bedtime.
Clayden's trip to er
Yesterday we had to take Clayden into children's hospital because he wasn't acting like himself and we felt that he was possibly dehydrated and wasn't wanting to eat. After spending 6.5 hours there we were able to leave. He was mildly dehydrated and his blood sugar had dropped slightly causing him to not want to eat. He got some fluids and pedialyte and he was like a whole new baby and we had such great care from the nurses and doctors except for the doctor asking me how far along I am lol.
Car show at 37 north
This past Saturday we attended the car show at 37 north (papa Steve's church) the kids had fun wrestling with each other and Clayden took a few naps on mommy's chest. The kids also got to see some family members that they don't usually see. Also Sunday we celebrated fathers day with papa c at dinner time and Monday we did Father's Day dinner with papa Steve and great grandpa Ron the kids had fun playing in the pool both Sunday and Monday you would think Khloe was a fish with as much time as she plays around in the water
Friday, June 13, 2014
Papa C's birthday
We got to celebrate papa C's birthday twice this week. Once at the moose on thursday and then a surprise birthday lunch at johnny corinos. Khloe as usual enjoyed all the sweets she could get her hands on
What a week
This week the kids went to the park with daddy, we walked to Bob jos for some ice cream and had our weekly trip to the moose.