Saturday, May 31, 2014

Cousin Samuels 1st birthday party

Today we went to help celebrate cousin Samuels 1st birthday with lots of family and friends the kids had such a great time playing with their cousins and all their friends that where there.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Brother sister love

Today while making dinner I looked over to see Khloe and Clayden playing together and having a great time.

Nana's birthday party/dinner

On Memorial Day we not only took the time to remember our fallen soldiers but also to spend time with family and celebrate nana's birthday. Clayden got to wear his first pair of sunglasses and play with nala. The kids had such a blast playing with their cousins and going swimming in the backyard

Working in the garden

This year Khloe got to help daddy out in the garden planting our vegetables while her brother got to sit on the grass and enjoy the weather